dryer making loud noises

by kelly
(parkville, md)

my whilpool gold utimate II dryer is makeing a loud noise when I turn it on. What might be the problem?

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Hi Kelly,

There are two things that will typically cause a Whirlpool dryer to become noisy. One thing is the drum-rollers. This will typically be a roaring/rough noise but sometimes it will be squealing. You will have to remove the drum to access the rollers.

The idler pulley is the other thing that will cause a Whirlpool dryer to become noisy. Typically it will make a squealing noise. Depending on the model you may only have to take off the front but on some models you will have to remove the drum as well.

These pages will help:

Whirlpool Dryer Disassembly

Whirlpool Dryer Noisy

Thank you,

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