top of freezer not cold

by trina

I have a ge model ess22xgma cc side by side eterna series. The top of the freezer is not working right and the ice is clear instead of hard and frosted. The bottom part is still keeping foods frozen. It doesn't appear to be blowng cold air. The refrigerator is not as cold as usual either. 2003 model

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Hi Trina,

This is an airflow problem. The two things that commonly cause a defrost problem are a defrost problem and a bad fan motor. If the fan isn’t running then you will need to take a look at this page GE Refrigerator Fan Motor Diagnostics

If the fan is running then you need to take the back wall out the freezer to see if there is a defrost problem. If there is a defrost problem the coils will be completely blocked with ice. This page will help GE Refrigerator Not Cooling

Thank you,

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