Refrigerator freezer not freezing

by Joey

Refrigerator model Gds20kcsaww

Freezer is not freezing . Compressor is running but stays on. Shuts off an on with the fridge an freezer therms. Condensor fan isnt running while the compressor is running. Placed a box fan at back of fridge while running to cool evap. and compressor but still no difference. Refrigerator part isnt cooling like it was either. Refrigerator was bought in Aug. 2007

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Hi Joey,

If the fan isn’t running while the compressor is running then you at least have a fan problem. What I would do is repair the fan problem and see if that takes care of the problem because the box fan isn’t going to work as well as the fan simply because you have to take the cover off the back which doubles at an air diverter. Also since both your condenser (near compressor) and evaporator fans run off the main board there is a chance both fans are not running. If this is the case the box fan will not help much at all. The page below will help.

GE Refrigerator Fan Motor Diagnostics

Thank you,

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