GE/WHDRR418G1WW..Washer won't agitate or spin..need to know how to troubleshoot motor
by Richard Duncan
I have a ge clothes washer, purchased about 2 years ago It will not agitate or spin. I need to know how to troubleshoot the motor. Model #WHDRR418G1WW. Would also like to know other possibilities. THANKS
Answer Replacement parts in General Electric WHDRR418G0WW Washer 
There is a flashing light on the motor that indicates fault codes or lack of. Some of these fault codes will prevent the motor from running. This page tells what the codes mean and what to do if there is a code
GE HydroWave Washer RepairIf there is a code the first thing to do is clear the code and if the code comes back replace the part indicated by the code. How to clear the code is at the bottom of that page.
If the light isn’t flashing (make sure you look hard because if there is a code the light will pause not blink for six seconds) the fuse is the most likely problem. If the light isn’t blinking and the fuse isn’t blown the motor is bad.
You could also have a mechanical such as a belt check for that as well.
Thank you,