GE profile dishwasher not draining totally
by Jennifer
(Sacramento, CA)
Ge dishwasher not draining totally, I checked all hose and drains for clogs and checked grabage disposal, no clogs found. Motor is running fine. what else is wrong?
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AnswerSome models have what they call a piston and nut (sometimes called a piston valve). This is the most common thing that will cause your problem if the model you have has one. The piston and nut will be located under the filter screen that goes all the way across the back of the washer. You remove the filter from the inside of the dishwasher and then unscrew the piston valve.
This page tells more about this and also has a picture of the part I am talking about
Dishwasher Not DrainingIf that isn’t your problem give me your model number and I will help you determine what the problem is.
Thank you,