GE- model GSD580P-35BA. Dishwasher not draining.
by Luci
I just had new countertops put in. I had a plumber come out and disconnect everything. The were installed and he came back out and connected everything back together. I ran the dishwasher, now it will not drain. I never had a problem with it before. It worked great...I called him and he says he just hooked everthing back up. What do I do? Ive already ran it twice and its still not draining.
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AnswerHi Luci,
Make sure the hose isn’t crimped. I realize he just reconnected it but he should come back to see if everything he did is ok. If it is the problem is in the dishwasher itself. This page will help more
Dishwasher Won’t Pump Out Thank you,
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