Dryer won't start but makes humming sound
by Deb Osmundson
(Creve Coeur, IL)
I have a Maytag Performa dryer. For the past several weeks the dryer had been making a dull rattling noise, something I associated with the rotation of the tub. Now, when I press the Start button, it hums and doesn't start. Any ideas?
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AnswerHi Deb,
There are a few things it can be.
Open the dryer door and press the door switch. Then have someone press the start button. When it starts to buzz try turning the drum by hand.
If when you do this the dryer starts and runs normal your problem will be in the motor. Try cleaning the motor and see if this problem goes away. If you have an air compressor or a compressed air tank blow the motor out and vacuum it out. If not just vacuum it out.
If the drum will not turn or turning the drum doesn’t make the dryer run look for anything hung in the blower wheel. Also look for anything that may hamper the turning of the drum such as a worn drum roller or worn slides. The drum roller will be behind the drum at the back and the slide will be at the front.
Typically neither the rollers nor the slide will wear out to the point that the drum will not turn but it can happen.
If none of this will get your dryer going you have a bad motor.
I hope this helps!
Thank you,