Dryer heats intermittently

by Barney
(Phoenix AZ.)

Dryer was heating fine then started gradually getting worse then quit all together. I ran a load about 4 times after it quit and its working again. Checked for lint, blockage in tube and for dryer sheets stuck. Found nothing! Any ideas! Kenmore Model no. 110.85866400. My mom and dad had an old dryer where the heating element broke mid line and every once in a while the element would make contact from the expansion and contraction of the element. Could this be possible? Any help would be great! Just picked up a new wife with 2 kids, bad timing. The dryer that is! Thanks, Barney

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Hi Barney,

Yes, it is possible you have the same problem. The best way to test this is to take the heater out and visually inspect the heater for breaks. I typically recommend testing with an ohmmeter but if it is intermittently working it may test out ok even if it is bad.

Other things that can cause this are a weak operating thermostat, dirty motor connector, or faulty timer. The bad thing is that it will be very hard to check unless it is not working at the time of testing. Intermittent problems are a techs worse nightmare. The advantage a do-it-yourselfer has is they can test when the problem arises and a tech has to test when he is there and it may not mess up.

Thank you,

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