10 year old dishwasher not draining water

by Dianne
(Montreal ,Canada)

My whirlpool dishwasher is 10 years old and worked perfectly for the whole time until it stopped draining all of the water after the cycle was finished. After pressing cancel/drain it drained the first few times but now it backs up with very sudsy water. My husband cleaned out the outlet drain hose and didn't find any blockages.
My question, is it wiser to just buy another dishwasher at this point and are the whirlpool gold dishwashers still a good bet.

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Hi Dianne,

I wouldn’t recommend replacing it because more than likely it is simply a clog. It may even be a clog in the sink and if that is the case a new dishwasher will not drain either. Check good for a clog from the dishwasher pump to the sink and if there isn’t a clog, try tying the drain up high that water can’t back into the dishwasher from the sink (if it isn’t already). Make sure the drain hose runs all the way up to the bottom of the cabinet.

Yes, Whirlpool Gold is a good washer.

Thank you,

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